Senior Health and Home Safety

>> Thursday, September 17, 2009

Senior citizens have to learn and adjust to the rewards and difficulties of getting older. Early on, let's say at 55 years of age, you're just entering the "senior" arena, and are just beginning to realize and experience happenings you might encounter. At first, you are introduced to things like, senior citizen restaurant special prices, senior citizen shopping days, or discounted pricing for senior citizen travel. All very nice, huh?

But, you will be faced with more difficult situations, as you advance in age. Many older adults are injured in or around the home. Falls, fires, and medicine interactions are some of home emergencies. Will you be able to recognize signs of aging, such as, confusion, forgetfulness, even anger? You might be faced with losing your wife or husband to illness or death. Are you prepared to live alone? Are you capable of taking care of your home and yourself? Do you have security and alarms to help keep you safe?

Home security systems are ideal, but suppose the intruder comes in the form of a fall, heart attack, or other medical emergency? A home security system cannot assist you if you cannot get to the control pad to call for help. What if you cannot reach your phone? If you cannot dial 911, your telephone won't help you!

A personal security alarm is not just for home security. Personal security alarms can save your life by calling for medical and other emergency assistance. If you can touch a bracelet on your wrist, a pendant or pin, you can get help. Help that you would not be able to summon if you could not get to your phone.

Some Safety Tips for Seniors:
Phone Calls: Don't get into conversations with strangers. Do not tell the caller your name, address, or marital status. Never give the caller your personal history or other identifying information! Call your police department if you get obscene calls, numerous hang ups or wrong number calls, or night calls from strangers. At Your Door: Never open your door to a stranger. Never let anyone come in your home to use the phone or bathroom. Instead, offer to make the call for them. Always keep a locked door between you and them!

Inexpensive one-way peep holes can easily be installed. If you do not feel the locks on your doors are adequate, a professional locksmith or friend can assist you in choosing and installing a secure lock. Remember, a lock is only as good as the door and frame that is attached to.
Be Safe on the Street: Most street crimes are crimes of opportunity. A thief looks for an easy target:

1) a woman walking down a quiet street, or 2) a man who just cashed his pension check. The thief is likely to be a teen, male, and a stranger to you. Purse and wallet snatching is common, and the hit-and-run attack is most likely. The trauma of a hit-and-run attack causes people to fear being on the streets, and they feel their security and quality of life has been jeopardized. Here are a few rules to remember:

1.Never carry large sums of money. 2.Never flash your money for anyone to see. 3.Never carry valuables with you. You cannot always plan for the unknown, and emergencies happen at home, church, or public places. Personal security alarms help senior citizens to live safely where they are most comfortable - in their own homes. Seniors can enjoy independent lives knowing they can get help, if needed.

Aging should not be all about stress and worry. Seniors can enjoy peace of mind, and be assured help is available, no matter where they are, or what emergency strikes. A personal security device is a friend in deed. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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